

Roberta Garruccio, Ph.D. in History of European Society, is senior lecturer at the Department of Language Mediation and Intercultural Communication -University of Milan (Sesto San Giovanni Campus). Her scientific interests have always been focused on Business History, History of Industry, Labour History. Since last decade she has been practicing Oral History investigating firms, organizations and markets through in depth interviews. Working on behalf of several institutions, corporate and private foundations, research centers, she has been collecting several Oral Archives, authoring and editing related publications. Since 2012, she is also member of the steering commitee of AISO (Italian Oral History Association). In 2011 she founded AVoce | Ethnography and History of Work and Labour.

Publications: Le grida. Memoria, epica e narrazione della Borsa di Milano (1945/1995), Rubbettino 2004; (with Francesco Novara e Renato Rozzi), Uomini e lavoro alla Olivetti, Bruno Mondadori, 2005; (with Maria Canella) Dove va a finire la fatica. Storie di vita e di lavoro presso la Cooperativa Muratori e Braccianti di Carpi, Bruno Mondadori, 2008; (with Stefano Castelli), Imprenditori. Una ricerca sulla provincia di Milano, Bruno Mondadori 2010; (with Alfredo Canavero, Davide Cadeddu, Daniela Saresella), Milano tra ricostruzione e globalizzazione. Dalle carte dell’archivio privato di Piero Bassetti, Soveria Mannelli, Rubbettino, 2011; Voci del lavoro. Dagli anni settanta a oggi, globalizzazione cambiamenti in una fabbrica Pirelli, Roma-Bari, Laterza 2012.

Sara Roncaglia, degree in Humanities with a final dissertation in Economic History at the University of Milan, Ph.D in Political-Social and Psychological Science with a final dissertation in Cultural Anthropology at the University of Genoa. She has done research on a professional basis, working as cultural consultant for two ethnographic research projects on workers of the Italian National Railways and of the Barilla factory in Southern Italy. Her research projects in the last ten years has led her to devote much attention to issues pertaining the work identities and practices, with questions related to cultural differences, particularly when the latter criss-cross other dimensions of social stratification, such as class, status or even caste. She carries out research in the field of anthropology of work, South-Asia anthropology and food anthropology. In 2011 she founded AVoce | Ethnography and History of Work and Labour.

 Publications: (con Germano Maifreda) Narrare la formazione. Grande impresa e sindacato, Milano, Guerini, 2005; Nutrire la città. I dabbawala di Mumbai nella diversità delle culture alimentari urbane, Milano, Bruno Mondadori, 2010; Bombay/Mumbai. Culture alimentari in una città globale, in Stefano Allovio (ed. by) Antropologi in città, Milano, Unicopli, 2011; Feeding the City. Work and Food Culture of the Mumbai Dabbawalas, Cambridge-UK, Open Book Publishers, 2013; (ed. by Valentina Beccarini e Sara Roncaglia), Culture del lavoro e dello svago in Lombardia Milano-Udine, Mimesis, 2014. (ed. by Valentina Beccarini and Sara Roncaglia), Culture del lavoro e dello svago in Lombardia Milano-Udine, Mimesis, 2014.

Sara Zanisi, degree in Business History at the University of Milan, is an independent researcher in Labour and Business History and Oral History. Since 1999 she works with cultural organizations such as Duccio Bigazzi Association and ISEC Foundation – Institute for the Study of Contemporary History She was in charge of the Audiovisual Archive of Centro per la Cultura d’Impresa (Centre for Corporate Culture) and for Duccio Bigazzi’s Sound Archive; since 2010 she’s in the scientific committee of AISO (Italian Oral History Association). In 2011 she founded AVoce | Ethnography and History of Work and Labour

PublicationsL’impresa, una narrazione corale in (ed. by) M. Pistacchi, Vive voci. L’intervista come fonte di documentazione, Donzelli, 2010; contributions in (ed. by) R. Garruccio, Le grida. Memoria, epica e narrazione della Borsa di Milano (1945/1995), Rubbettino, 2005; Aavv., Nuovo Le basi della storia. Il Novecento e la società contemporanea, Ppmb, 2008; (with Bianca Pastori) La chiamata del fiume. Professioni dell’acqua in Valle Olona in Valentina Beccarini e Sara Roncaglia (ed. by) Culture del lavoro e dello svago in Lombardia Milano-Udine, Mimesis, 2014.

Bianca Pastori is Ph.D candidate in Historical and Anthropological Sciences at University of Verona (Department: Time, Space, Image, Society); she uses video interview as historical and ethnographic research tool and she’s in charge of the AVoce | Ethnography and History of Work and Labour’s Archive.

Publications: Rumori, ingranaggi, fiamme. Ricordi di un operaio in cartiera in Alessandro Casellato e Gilda Zazzara (ed. by), Operai in croce. Inchiesta sul lavoro malato, numero monografico di “Venetica”, n. 18, 2008; (with Massimo Castoldi) I nove ragazzi del “Giuriati”. Contributo alla comprensione della storia come risorsa in Sebastiano Citroni (ed. by), Sogni e bisogni a Milano, Ledizioni, 2010; Resistenza, rappresaglia e memoria di paese in “Italia contemporanea” n. 264 settembre 2011; (with Sara Zanisi) La chiamata del fiume. Professioni dell’acqua in Valle Olona, in Valentina Beccarini e Sara Roncaglia (ed. by) Culture del lavoro e dello svago in Lombardia Milano-Udine, Mimesis, 2014.


Contributions of:

Riccardo Apuzzo

Giuditta Brasca

Elena Costantino

Umberto Gillio

Francesca Polese

Diego Ronzio

Andrea Strambio

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